Создание снимка экрана на часах Garmin

Некоторые часы Garmin способны делать снимок экрана циферблата в любой момент, как во время, так и не во время занятий. Снимок экрана с ошибкой может помочь службе поддержки решить проблему в случае, если она возникнет в ваших часах.

Для настройки функции скриншотов необходимо согласно инструкции к вашему устройству перейти в раздел настроек горячих клавиш (например, для часов семейства fenix 7: MENU - Система - Горячие клавиши), выбрать желаемую комбинацию клавиш и выбрать функцию Снимок экрана. Теперь при нажатии горячих клавиш часы будут создавать снимок экрана и сохранять его на внутреннем диске часов.

Важно: Часы с поддержкой музыки и/или Garmin Pay, использующие протокол передачи мультимедиа (MTP), такие как fēnix® 5X Plus, не подключаются к компьютерам Mac в качестве диска, и скриншоты будут доступны только при использовании стороннего программного обеспечения, например Android File Transfer. Если вы не хотите использовать стороннее программное обеспечение, то для получения скриншотов с устройств MTP необходимо использовать ПК с ОС Windows.

Подробнее в статье:

Как подключить часы Garmin к компьютеру с macOS, чтобы копировать файлы? Не видит как диск.

Выберите свои часы ниже, чтобы получить конкретные инструкции:

D2 Air

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. A message will appear indicating that the screenshot has been captured and saved.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

D2 Charlie

This watch includes a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.

D2 Delta Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

Descent Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

Enduro Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

fenix Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

NOTE: The fenix, fenix 2, and fenix 3 do not have the ability to capture screenshots. These steps are for the fenix 5 series and newer fenix watches.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

Forerunner 45 Series

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. Nothing will appear to happen on the watch, but a screenshot will be saved in the correct folder of the watch's memory.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.

Forerunner 745/935/945

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

Garmin Swim 2

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. A message will appear indicating that the screenshot has been captured and saved.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.

Instinct Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.

Legacy Hero and Saga Series

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

MARQ Collection

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

quatix Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

NOTE: The original quatix and quatix 3 do not have the ability to capture screenshots. These steps are for the quatix 5 and newer quatix watches.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

tactix Series

These watches include a Hot Key function which can be customized to capture a screenshot.

NOTE: The original tactix and tactix Bravo do not have the ability to capture screenshots. These steps are for the tactix Charlie and newer tactix watches.

Configuring the Screenshot Hot Key

  1. Hold Up to enter the Main Menu
  2. Scroll to or select Settings
  3. Select System
  4. Select Hot Keys
  5. Select a key or combination of keys to customize
  6. Select Screenshot

Capturing a Screenshot

Once the screenshot Hot Key is configured, screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing and holding the chosen Hot Key for 1-2 seconds. The message, Screenshot Taken will appear on the screen indicating the screenshot was successful.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

Venu Series

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. A message will appear indicating that the screenshot has been captured and saved.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
    • NOTE: Open the Primary drive on music compatible Garmin watches1
  4. Open the Garmin folder
  5. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

vivoactive 4 Series

Capturing a Screenshot

Screenshots can be captured on any screen of the watch by pressing both the Back and Power/Light buttons for 1-2 seconds. A message will appear indicating that the screenshot has been captured and saved.

Accessing Screenshot Images

  1. Connect the watch to a computer with USB cable
  2. Locate the drive for the watch
  3. Open the Garmin drive
  4. Open the Primary drive1
  5. Open the Garmin folder
  6. Open the SCRNSHOT folder

Within the SCRNSHOT folder, the image will be in BMP format and can be saved to your computer.1

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